Proton V-367 Regulator fertilizer is a specialized product designed to enhance plant resistance against viruses and viroids. It works by inhibiting the prosthetic enzyme, which is actively involved in the transmission of viruses caused by immune system deficiencies in plants during periods of low resistance.
This fertilizer contains organic content and does not pose a residue problem for export. It is harmless to bees and has a zero-day waiting period, making it safe for immediate use without concerns for pollinator health.
Additionally, Proton V-367 has pH reducing and stabilizing properties, further supporting plant health and resilience.
When Proton V-367 enters virus-infected tissues, it dries them out, thus preventing the spread of the virus by airborne vectors, some nematodes, and water drainage.
Viruses against which the drug is effective:
– Pepino mosaic virus
– Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
– Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
– Tobacco mosaic virus TMV
– Cucumber mosaic virus
Production: Turkey.